Wealthy is who we are in body, spirit, and mind.
We Are Prosper Church!

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Learn more about our mission and purpose.


Learn more about our mission and purpose.

Prosper Church is a place where people can come to be challenged, motivated and pushed into their divine destiny. As each member and partner begins to peel off the layers of sadness, disappointment, hurt, fear and doubt, the Holy Spirit will begin to call on their “deep” (their God-given purpose) and as a result, they will begin to make strides toward their destiny.


As members and partners begin to move in their purpose, they will be silently pulling on the purpose of other members and partners in the congregation, creating a cyclical effect of purpose and destiny that will elevate the church to a greater level in God and allow the members to be agents of change in their families, communities and ultimately, the world.


Our mission is to reveal to people who they are in God and empower, encourage and motivate people to walk in the fullness of who God created them to be. Jesus Christ is our model and standard for higher service and a greater quality of life. We seek to liberate men, women and children by breaking the chains of ignorance and fear, thus freeing them to be all they can be, spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially.

Greatness lives on the inside of everyone. Our mandate from God is to reveal that greatness to each individual and place them on the road to purpose, destiny, financial freedom and economic success, thus empowering individuals to become greater contributors to society as a whole and live according to Kingdom principles.


We were all born with purpose, a destiny that goes far beyond what our human mind can comprehend. When God created man, he created man with purpose and destiny locked on the inside of him, and everything that he needed to accomplish his purpose was tucked away deep in the recesses of his mind. Psalm 42:7 says, “Deep calleth unto deep.” We all have a deep (a plan and a purpose for which we were born), a plan which outlines the reason the Father sent us to the earth realm. However, because of a myriad of circumstances, issues and challenges, many people fail to do that which God purposed for their lives. Many people allow fear, disappointment, heartache, finances, low self-esteem, lack of healthy relationships, the absence of a mother or a father to grip their hearts and stop them from reaching their destiny. Everyday people die without ever reaching their destiny. However, deep can call unto deep.


The world is waiting in eager expectation for the plan of God to be revealed in the earth. You are part of that plan. You are part of the overall purpose of God, which is to redeem man back to God. And because we are all connected, when I begin to move in my purpose, my deep will begin to call on your deep, which will then begin to call unto someone else’s deep, and on and on. But without faith, it is impossible to move into the fullness of what God has purposed for us. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.


L. Donnell Goss and Je’Nise Goss are the Senior Pastors of Prosper Church (formerly Greater Deep Tabernacle of Faith at its inception in August 2007), under the leading of the Holy Spirit, underwebt a name change in January 2020 to Prosper Church. The vision of Prophet Goss, continues as Prosper Church, the “Virtual Meeting Place,” where the voice of God is the dominant voice.