Wealthy is who we are in body, spirit, and mind.
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Refreshing Key

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”  (Isaiah 55:11)

By Prosper Church

Prayer lasts.  Prayer changes things.  Prayer changes you.  It may not change the things in your natural surroundings that you can see right at the moment, but in the Spirit, God has already sent an answer.  Do not be fooled in this hour.  Do not think for a moment that you can win without prayer.  We cannot look at the situations in the world or the situations in our own environment and say that prayer does not work.  There are many people who are ready to give up right now because they prayed for something a month ago, a week ago, a year ago, and they are not seeing the results of their prayers.  They feel as if they have gone before God and asked God to do something on their behalf and God didn’t hear them.   If you want win, you must pursue God, follow His plan and live according to his purpose for your life.


I want to encourage you to keep praying.  Keep trusting in your God and know that God will answer your prayers.  He may not answer you in the time and the season that you want him to answer, but keep praying, keep believing, because the word of God cannot come back to him void.  If it came back void, God would be a liar.  Our God is not a man that he should lie.  Don’t try to manipulate God to work in your timeframe.  You must believe in your heart and not doubt that you will see the thing that you have prayed for come to pass in your life.  You will see the prophecy that has been spoken over your life come to pass, and you will know only God did it.  It takes a real champion who trusts God to position himself to win.


In the pressing, He is realigning you!

We have to press through the adverse, the contrary and the negative and allow God to position us according to His plan.  In that pressing he is realigning us, because somewhere along the journey we may have gotten a little off course from His original intent for our lives. If you believe that what God said is true, then you will align yourself with the purpose and plan that God has for your life.  If you believe that God has placed greatness, purpose and destiny inside of you (which He has), then regardless of the obstacles, pitfalls and the situations that come your way, he will remember you at the appointed time and the appointed season.  Not only that, God has a plan for your children’s lives.  You have to position yourself to win for them while they are yet beginning to understand what God is saying for their lives.

Position yourself to win today, not tomorrow, not five years from now – TODAY!  You have already won, regardless of what you have to face five minutes from now, two hours from now, twenty-five days from now.  The bottom line is you have already won.  Allow yourself to go through the process of life, because what you see in your natural is temporary, but what God has for you in Spirit is eternal.


Focus on the eternal plan of God for your life, those eternal benefits that last, that can withstand any challenge.  If we keep our position to win and stay in the posture of prayer, we will be able to withstand anything.


“I now position myself to win.  I now receive divine instructions from God.  All things are answered for me.  I open myself to receive and hear what God is saying to me in this hour.”

Are you pursuing your passion?


Are you pursuing your purpose?


Are you doing the thing that the Father placed you in the Earth to do?

Nothing happens by accident!  God sent you here for a specific reason.  You must be determined to fulfill the plan that the Father intended for you.  How do you do this?  You have to live on PURPOSE, pursue your PASSION and manifest the PLAN, for therein lies the wellspring of blessings for someone else’s life.  LIVE…PURSUE…PLAN! That’s right!  Your obedience to God is directly connected to the miracles that are earmarked for someone else’s life!


+Pastor Je’Nise Goss


Until Next Time…

It’s Time to Be Refreshed!