Wealthy is who we are in body, spirit, and mind.
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Prophet L. Donnell Goss, Sr. is a prolific prophet whose mission is to unlock the greatness of people and push them to be who God has created them to be. His passion for the Lord is contagious and is inherent in everything he does.


Prophet Goss has a true heart for God’s people, pointing them to the Absolute Mind of God in their pursuit of success, happiness and purpose in this life. He diligently works to inspire people to maximize their fullest potential, while at the same time challenging them to discover, and for some rediscover, their inherent gifts and talents. His mission is to motivate people to develop and reach their dreams, while nurturing them through love, patience, kindness and gentleness, causing them to succeed in every area of their lives: emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically and financially, thus increasing their desire to be in covenant relationship with God. Prophet Goss firmly believes that greatness is in all people.


Prophet Goss is the Founder, Pastor and Senior Prophet of Prosper Church, where he pastors with his wife, Prophetess Je’Nise Goss (lovingly called Pastor Je’Nise), the Senior Pastor. Prosper Church (formerly Greater Deep Tabernacle of Faith at its inception in August 2007), under the leading of the Holy Spirit, underwent a name change in January 2020 to Prosper Church. The vision of Prophet Goss continues as Prosper Church, the “Virtual Meeting Place,” where the voice of God is the dominant voice. Prosper Church is built upon the revelation and teachings of Jesus Christ. Prophecy, healing, miracles, signs and wonders, the foundation of Greater Deep Tabernacle of Faith, is the structure in which Prosper Church will continue to grow nationally and internationally, as they connect with humanity on a deeper level.

Prophet Goss heard the clarion call of God for Prosper Church and the leadership to be the prophetic voice to the nations, encouraging and inspiring those who hear the voice of God to dream, to hope, to believe, to understand and stand strong in their purpose and to pursue their destiny.

Prophet Goss and his wife, Pastor Je’Nise, have four children and five grandchildren. Prophet Goss is a graduate of Connecticut School of Broadcasting and Clark University and holds diplomas in broadcasting/communications and graphic design. He is currently working on his Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Apologetics at Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary. Prophet Goss is also a Prophet in the Prophetic Order of Mar Elijah (P.O.M.E.), under the leadership of Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan.

Pastor Je’Nise Goss is a dynamic motivational speaker, writer, ghostwriter, administrator, arts minister, prophet and pastor. Her passion for the Lord is inherent in everything she does.

Pastor Je’Nise has a passion, a heart, and a love for God’s people, motivating them to be all they can be. She diligently works to inspire people to maximize their fullest potential, while at the same time challenging them to discover their inherent gifts and talents. Pastor Je’Nise motivates people to develop and reach their dreams and succeed in every area of their lives. She firmly believes that greatness is in all people.

Pastor Je’Nise is the Senior Pastor of Prosper Church, where she pastors with her husband, Prophet L. Donnell Goss, Sr., the Senior Prophet. Prosper Church (formerly Greater Deep Tabernacle of Faith at its inception in August 2007), under the leading of the Holy Spirit, underwent a name change in January 2020 to Prosper Church. The vision of her husband, Prophet Goss, continues as Prosper Church, the “Virtual Meeting Place,” where the voice of God is the dominant voice. Prosper Church is built upon the revelation and teachings of Jesus .

Christ. Prophecy, healing, miracles, signs and wonders, the foundation of Greater Deep Tabernacle of Faith, is the structure in which Prosper Church will continue to grow nationally and internationally, as they connect with humanity on a deeper level.

Pastor Je’Nise is also the Director of Consecration Ministries, a Prophetic Arts Ministry dedicated to spreading the love of Christ and making God known. Through dance, song, the spoken word and creative expression, Consecration endeavors to convey a message of hope, love, peace and joy that will transform the lives of everyone that it reaches.

senior Pastor Je’Nise Goss

She has led many workshops in prophetic dance and has equipped numerous churches of various denominations in establishing dance ministries. Consecration has ministered at numerous churches, hospitals, prisons, colleges, conferences and community events throughout the United States. Under her leadership and guidance, Consecration co-authored a book entitled, Dance with the Master: Foundational Principles for Effective Dance Ministry, and appeared on the nationally televised Bobby Jones Gospel Program, which aired on the WORD Network.

Pastor Je’Nise is also the author of Times of Refreshing, Keys to Living an Empowered Life, and leads the Times of Refreshing Conversations broadcast on the Now Network, Preach The Word Worldwide Network and various social media outlets, where she facilitates a conversation of hope and healing, encouraging participants to BE who God has created them to be and to Dream Big.

Pastor Je’Nise is a prolific writer and ghostwriter. She is the founder of the Writestry Workshop 32-Week Writing Course, that teaches upcoming authors how to creatively and effectively go from “idea in the mind to manuscript in-hand.” She has ghostwritten books for prominent members of the theological community, teachers, lecturers, professors, students, writers, public speakers, conference speakers and seminarians.

Pastor Je’Nise and her husband, Prophet Goss, have four children and five grandchildren. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern University. She is currently working on her Master of Divinity, with a major in Dogmatic Studies at Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary. Pastor Je’Nise is also a Prophet in the Prophetic Order of Mar Elijah (P.O.M.E.), under the leadership of Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, where she has worked and continues to work closely with Archbishop Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan for over 17 years.