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You’re Bigger Than That

“…greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.”  (1 John 4:4)

By Prosper Church

  • Do you find yourself sweating the small stuff?
  • Have you allowed others to stop you from believing in the promises of God for your life?
  • Have you decided to give up?

Michael was a powerful communicator.  His words attracted people.  Whenever Michael spoke, people would listen.  No matter what was going on, when Michael entered a room all focus was on him.  He always had this trait, even as a young child.  In school, Michael held many leadership positions (captain of the football team, class president).  Even in kindergarten, Michael was often selected to be the line leader.


Throughout college and his adult life, Michael used his voice for change.  He was an advocate for the community and for justice.  He always spoke up for what he felt was right.  He was always speaking on behalf of those who had no voice.  Michael would often lead rallies and protests for justice.  But there was one problem, Michael was able to fight for the rights of others, but he was not able to fight for himself.  He always found himself the victim of racial injustice and discrimination.  Michael graduated from college with a degree in journalism, yet he was not able to break into the field.  No matter how many doors he knocked on, no one gave him a chance. 


After over 10 years of trying to break into the field, Michael gave up.  Although he enjoyed fighting on behalf of others, he became very discouraged with his own life.  He became so discouraged that he put many of his major goals and dreams on the shelf, settling for where he was in life and concluding that he had to always fight for others, a passion that he had, but never gaining monetary reward or personal success.



Michael had given up.  He had accepted the lie of someone else and did not accept the truth of who God created him to be.  He allowed himself to be oppressed by the opinions and thoughts of others, allowed others to stop him from dreaming and ultimately, became discouraged.

One day, Michael was on his way to a rally and stopped for a cup of coffee.  In the coffee shop was one of the city officials.  Michael began to strike up a conversation and found that they had a lot in common.  Michael began to share his views and even opened up about his goals and dreams that he had put on the shelf, but explained how no one would give him a break into the field of his dreams. 


Michael had lost his edge.  He lost his ability to dream.  He lost his ability to create a path for himself.  In this journey called life, sometimes you just have to break the cycle of allowing yourself to be oppressed by the thoughts of others.  Most of our failures in life come from walking away from what we know to do.  All of us have had situations where we knew what to do, but we just didn’t do it.  But in this hour, God is bringing back to our remembrance the original plan that He had for us before the foundation of the world.


Michael was ready for change.  He was ready to go back to God’s original plan for his life.  Michael got his mind back!  He went on a “change journey” and for 60 days, Michael focused on who God created him to be.  After the 60 days, Michael began to apply for journalism positions.  He even knocked on doors that were once closed in his face, and much to Michael’s surprise, he found a position at a top news station.  Today, he serves as a news anchor and has his own investigative reporting program.  His voice is now heard around the world, being a voice for the voiceless, creating change for others, while at the same time prospering in every area of his life!


If you allow the thoughts and opinions of negative people to cloud your vision, you will walk further and further away from who God has called you to be and what God created you to do.  Never let negative people cloud your focus and get you off track.  Isn’t it amazing that this great, big loving God deposited His purpose and His plan into your small human frame!  That is why you can boldly proclaim… “I’M BIGGER THAN THAT!”

 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)


Relax and Feel the Fresh Wind Blowing!


Pastor Je’Nise